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‘Why pay to imprison criminals, when hanging is so much cheaper?’.‘1783 The last public hanging took place at Tyburn - forger John Austin was the last to die there.’.‘Trumped-up charges of conspiracy to overthrow the queen, and an unjustly conducted prosecution, brought conviction of treason and hanging at Tyburn.’.‘Dominic spoke slowly, ‘Red's been sentenced to death by public hanging.’’.‘Should Bermuda bring back hanging (or any other form of capital punishment)?’.‘Of course terrible crimes must be met with punishment including long custodial sentences but bringing back hanging is not the right policy in this day and age.’.‘And it was a really appalling hanging, in the respect that the minister kept them on the scaffold waiting for 25 minutes as he gave a sermon.’.‘If he does, the original sentence of death by hanging will immediately be carried out.’.‘it was a hanging offence to forge or frank falsely’.

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